Gilad Hekselman “Zuperoctave” – Bimhuis, Amsterdam, December 2017

Gilad Hekselman: guitar
Aaron Parks: piano, Fender rhodes
Kendrick Scott: drums, pads

Live at Bimhuis, Amsterdam, December 16, 2017
Cover photograph by LJL

  1. V Blues
  2. It Will Get Better
  3. Clap Clap
  4. Eyes Of The World
  5. Home To You
  6. Cosmic Patience
  7. Tokyo Cookie
  8. Doremifasol
  9. Unnamed
  10. Encore

Duration 01:32:12

Related recording:

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  1. Stephan
    December 26, 2017

    A new supergroup! So beautiful… Thanks for uploading and happy holidays!

  2. AlG
    December 22, 2017

    Intriguant & attirant
    Lot of thx
    Happy Holidays for the team & cie

  3. Jim
    December 22, 2017

    Thank you for this recording. I plan to see them as soon as I can. The encore is entitled “Stumble” or at least it was when I saw Gilad last April in NYC.

    Thanks again,


  4. Dieter Obrecht
    December 21, 2017

    Thank You and MERRY CHRISTMAS !!!
    Dieter Obrecht


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