Wayne Shorter Quartet – Umea Folkethus, Sweden, October 2006

Wayne Shorter: saxophones
Danilo Perez: piano
John Patitucci: bass
Brian Blade: drums

Live at Idun teatern, Umea folkethus, Umea, Sweden, October 29, 2006

1. Zero Gravity
2. Go
3. She Moves Through the Fair
4. Smiling Through
5. Over Shadow Hill Way
6. Prometheus Unbound

Duration 01:06:34

Related recording:



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  1. Matthieu Jerome
    February 23, 2014

    This concert is amazing… The level of playing, invention, interplay, feeling, communication… and Wayne is just a poet… magic…

  2. Paul
    February 27, 2013

    This is awesome!!!! THANK YOU!! 🙂

  3. trane
    October 20, 2012

    I already have this so here are the titles BUT my recording is tracked a little differently. Anyway, here you go

    1 Zero Gravity 13.22 2 Go/She Moves Through the Fair/Smiling Through 26.04 3 Over Shadow Hill Way 10.25 4 Prometheus Unbound 16.43

    1. livejazzlounge
      October 21, 2012

      It needs to be retracked, obviously.

  4. johnny
    October 19, 2012

    I hope I didn’t repeat myself , but THANK YOU!! I love this quartet, bought the live 2001 album as well as “Sound Barrier” and saw them in 2006 or 2007 at Newport.They are CRAZY good, and can’t wait to hear this!!!! THANK YOU for all your work in getting this live material out to people like me who really love to listen!!!!

  5. johnny
    October 19, 2012

    I can’t WAIT to hear this, arguably my favorite Quartet, in action-without a doubt their level of interplay and improvisation is astounding,breathtaking, and it’s everything Jazz should be, to me at least ( I know there’s SO many different styles and players) . I will listen in and try to get the track titles to you, if you are inerested. AGAIN, THANK YOU SO MUCH. I saw this quartet about 6-7 years ago in Newport…my head is still in flux after what I heard (p.s. I do own ” Beyond the Sound Barrier’, as well as most of Waynes Blue Note stuff, and the live 2001 too…I try to support the people I believe in.

    1. livejazzlounge
      October 19, 2012

      It would be great to have the track titles. Thanks!

  6. livejazzlounge
    October 17, 2012

    A quartet like nothing else, best live.


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