Steve Tibbetts – Live in the USA 1982/5

Steve Tibbetts: guitar and kalimba
Marc Anderson: percussion
Bob Hughes: bass (2, 3 and 4)
Jim Price: violin (1)
Dave Peterson: guitar (1)
Tim Weinhold: percussion (1)
Randal Brown percussion (1)

Live in the USA, 1982 (1) and 1985 (2-4)
Cover photograph by LJL (unknown artist)

  1. My Last Chance (1982)
  2. Test (1985)
  3. Vision (1985)
  4. Walking (1985)

Duration 00:26:54

Related recording:

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  1. Ron Steeds
    January 14, 2019

    I’ve seen Steve Tibbetts live three times (once during the SAFE JOURNEY tour) – twice in Ottawa and once in Montreal. He has a wicked sense of humour. I got a chance to meet him and have him autograph all his recordings that I owned. When he got to his first album (on Frammis) he said, “So you’re the person who bought it!”.

  2. Dale Ernest Williams
    January 9, 2019

    sure would love to hear this !!

  3. Ben
    December 26, 2018

    Thank-you so much


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