Bill Bruford Quartet – The Venue, London, May 1979

Allan Holdsworth: guitar
Dave Stewart: keyboards
Jeff Berlin: electric bass
Bill Bruford: drums

Live at The Venue, London, May 8, 1979

  1. Hell’s Bells
  2. Sample And Hold
  3. Fainting In Coils (part 1)
  4. Back To Beginning (guitar solo)
  5. Fainting In Coils (part 2)
  6. Forever Until Sunday
  7. Joe Frazier
  8. One Of A Kind
  9. Travels With Myself – And Someone Else
  10. Beelzebub
  11. The Sahara Of Snow
  12. Goodbye to the Past
  13. Five G

Related recording:

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  1. BT
    December 23, 2023

    Thank-you very much

  2. John
    December 23, 2023

    Thanks for this. It sounds good too. I didn’t seem to have this, and I do have a lot of Bruford band shows. Just weighing in that it’s most likely that the guitarist is “The Unknown” John Clark, and not Allan Holdsworth. Clark was brought in when AH left shortly after One of a Kind was recorded. Holdsworth did do the Rock Goes to College gig and possibly one more in Uxbridge, but that was basically it. The other point is that the band was in the USA for most of the summer of 79 (there are many recordings), so a London date in August that year isn’t too likely.

    1. livejazzlounge
      December 23, 2023

      Thanks John. We copy here the original notes that came with this recording. May be they serve to clarify your points:
      “This is a Live recording of the full show made by me, Martin Westwood working as FOH sound engineer for Bruford on their UK Tour in 1979. It`s a completely original recording made using 2 Shure SM58`s on stands at the FOH desk. The recording device was a Nakamichi DT550 Cassette Recorder.”
      That’s the info we went for when writing the metadata for this. If you listen to the guitar, specially the legato licks in track #4, it does sound like Holdsworth’s. The “Live at the Venue” CD that is available elsewhere was recorded the following year, with John Clark having stepped into the guitarist slot after Holdsworth bailed out following the UK/France legs of the ’79 tour. Cheers.

    2. George
      December 24, 2023

      I thought the same thing, but it’s Holdsworth. What’s wrong is the date. The OG uploader had it as 8-5-79, but the uploader was a Brit. Therefore, the date is May 8th, not August 5th. That explains why Holdsworth is still around.

      1. livejazzlounge
        December 24, 2023

        Makes sense, thank you.
        Changed made.

  3. Les Nelson
    December 22, 2023

    Thank you -and a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

    1. livejazzlounge
      December 22, 2023

      Same to you Les!
      Peace (too little of it lately), love and jazz!


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