Live Jazz Lounge Anniversary Special: Stefano Bollani Trio, Jazzklubb Fasching, Stockholm, March 2012

Live Jazz Lounge celebrates its second anniversary with a jewel from its video archive. Over 23 minutes of pure joy with the best from an amazing concert by one of the geniuses of contemporary jazz. Humour, free improv and incredible interplay from virtuoso pianist Stefano Bollani and his Trio.

In its two years of life, Live Jazz Lounge featured 180 live jazz performances by 462 artists. It received over 140,000 visitors from 100 countries. Live Jazz Lounge only presents material that is freely accessible and not sold commercially. Live Jazz Lounge is a totally non-profit, commercial-free enterprise, fueled soley by the love for this great music. It has received praise and gratitude from many of the featured artists (except one).

Peace, love and jazz. /LJL

From the LiveJazzLounge YouTube channel:
Stefano Bollani Trio live at Jazzklubb Fasching, Stockholm, Sweden, March 14, 2012.

Stefano Bollani: piano
Jesper Bodilsen: bass
Morten Lund:drums.

Duration 00:23:55

(Visited 177 times, 1 visits today)

1 Comment

  1. livejazzlounge
    January 6, 2014

    Recorded with a Canon EOS 7D and EF 24mm 1.4 L II lens.


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