Jean-Luc Ponty – Stanley Theatre, Pittsburgh, October 1978

Jean-Luc Ponty: electric violin, keyboards
Allan Zavod: keyboards
Jamie Glaser: electric guitar
Joaquin Lievano: electric guitar
Ralphe Armstrong: electric bass
Casey Scheuerell: drums

Live at Stanley Theatre, Pittsburgh, USA, October 25, 1978

  1. Aurora (Parts I & II)
  2. Cosmic Messenger
  3. The Art Of Happiness
  4. Don’t let the world pass you by
  5. I only feel good with you
  6. The struggle of the turtle to the sea
  7. Ethereal mood
  8. Wandering on the milky way
  9. Egocentric molecules
  10. New Country
  11. Imaginary voyage
  12. Fight for life

Duration 01:26:24

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  1. Bladius
    September 10, 2020

    Incredible, Thanx

  2. james
    May 29, 2020

    superb thank you

  3. BT
    May 28, 2020

    Many thanks


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